
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stories of Successful Families: Socorro Osejo Family

The Family of Socorro Osejo is composed of herself and her daughter, a girl with some development difficulties. As a single mother living alone in her small house, in the course of her life she has sought ways to survive, since her youth she has dedicated herself to the business of sewing. With the work she performed, she paid for her daughter's food and household expenses. The small business generated revenue of $150 per month, and savings of $20. Noticing that she was not doing as well as she wanted, a friend told her about the programs at the Cause For Hope Foundation, and to contact the office and explain the program, the support training and how to participate in the TAE (Self Employment Workshop) and the MEN (Business Improvement) programsPlace an action plan with the Vision Starting a new business Pulperia with the help of another person who already had business elsewhere that enables him and gave him the necessary tools that would help achieve self-sufficiency. Start the business with few products and customers. Invested money loans Cause For Hope Foundation.  Since then, their lives have completely changed. Mrs. Socorro is a person of success, is now self-sufficient, her revenues have tripled to amounts of $1025 per month and their savings are at $ 60. Until now, her savings she had a little difficulty, since the Banex Bank here in Nicaragua  went to bankruptcy so that their money and saving were lost, opening another banking account. She is teaching other families like these business principles have helped him achieve self-sufficiency.

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